Alessia Buglioni, MD, Fernando G. Cosio, MD, Joseph P. Grande, MD, PhD, Raymond L. Heilman, MD, Martin L. Mai, MD, Suhail B. Shuja, MD, Maxwell L. Smith, MD, use case discussion to review high chain deposition disease, reviews PGNMID.
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Nephrology Subspecialty

Mayo Clinic
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So it's a pleasure to have the
opportunity to talk to you
about polycystic kidney disease.
And until then.
Oh, yeah.
Until the nineteen nineties,
the polycystic kidney disease
or polycystic autosomal dominant
polycystic kidney and liver disease
was considered to be a single
inherited disease.
But since that time, we have
found that is a very
heterogeneous genetic disease
with two main genes, 81
and 82, but now
an increasing number of other genes
that can also cause polycystic
kidney and or liver disease.
the prognosis
is much
better in patients that have the
disease associated with the two
mutations than patients
that have the disease associated
with one mutations.
And the patients that have PICADILLO
mutations can be divided into two
groups, those who have
completely inactivating mutations
or truncated mutations
that have the worst prognosis with
the enter stage in their 50s
and those that have MS.
says mutation that still produce
some protein that is not normal,
that have their enter stage in
their 60s as opposed
to the pykrete imitation they have
at this stage in their 70s or
Now, the difference between 81
and 82 is the number
of cysts, with 81 patients
having many more seats than
typically two patients.
And this is develop a very
early, very early in
Now, the patient to
have her polycystic
kidney disease very frequently,
almost always happens overseas as
well, but they also these
patients that have polycystic liver
disease without cysts in the
kidneys or very few in the kidneys.
And this is autosomal dominant
polycystic liver disease.
And the two main genes causing
some abdominal polycystic liver
disease are Perkasie, S.H.
and 63.
Now, the difference between these
two most of the time is very clear,
however, it's not always
the case and you can't have patients
that have very severe polycystic
liver disease and only a few cysts
like these two cases.
And one of them has a mutation in
the piggery, one gene and the other
one has a mutation, the CSA
So without genetics would be very
difficult to differentiate these two
patients. Of course, the family
history helps a lot in these cases.
Now, do any other cases,
maybe all the genes can be
associated with polycystic with
cells in the kidneys or the liver.
And one of them is the case.
They one gene, which one is
inherited is homozygous.
Manitas have two mutations, causes
autosomal recessive, polycystic
kidney disease and the heterozygous
carriers of the disease.
About 15 percent of them
can capsaicin in the kidneys or
deliver some
other genes that are associated with
a mild form of polycystic kidney
disease and polycystic
liver disease that can range from
mild to quite severe.
And one of them is collagen and
another one is called Algate.
Another one is called alginate.
All these patients have mild
polycystic kidney disease and very
rarely advanced to enter stage
kidney disease or almost never.
But the polycystic liver disease can
be severe.
Another that has been associated
with the difficulty is the energy
live, and this is quite a different
phenotype because the kidneys
are not in large but
contain cysts
and there is a discordance
between the size
of the kidneys or the volume of the
kidneys and the severity of the
disease. And these patients do
developmental stage kidney disease,
but they developmental stage kidney
disease, usually after 60 years
of age.
So the late, late onset
to enter stage.
But again, there is a discordance
between the size of the kidneys,
the appearance of the kidneys and
the decline in kidney function.
So all of the genes and code
proteins that are important are
required for the proper maturation,
folding and folding and traffic
of the resistance
and other membrane and secreted
So these have kind of this common
pathogenesis and it's mediated
by defects in the public systems.
Now, the patients that have
mutations in DNA should be labeled
in some way.
They are quite similar to the
patients that have autism, somewhat
dominant interstitial kidney
disease, which is associated
with mutations in neuromodulation
and mokoan.
The difference between the energy
level and these ones is that in this
in this patient, Gaute is very,
very prominent, whereas
patients that have the energy
believe in God is not as prominent.
And also this patient rich
inter-state kidney disease at an
earlier age.
But also some of these patients are
frequently confused with patients
that have or somewhat dominant
polycystic kidney disease.
So with all this background,
what are the indications for genetic
testing? Well, one has to think
about genetic testing.
When you have a patient, when there
is a discordance between the way the
kidneys look and what the function
is, or a typical presentation,
like a patient with polycystic
kidney disease that have
been eaten by Adelphia's uterus
or have had magnesium, then
you have to think about the
possibility of an H.F.
one bit and if one bit
a mutation or discordant
phenotype within the family, which
usually point to the presence
of two different mutated
genes in the family or the presence
of more racism, or in
patients that have no family history
that the first cases.
So in this case is this genetic
testing is helpful to establish
their noses. And then there are
situations where you want to
consider genetic testing,
which is in the evaluation of kidney
donors when the imaging is not clear
or in preimplantation genetic
diagnosis, and then also for
establishing a prognosis for
individual patients.
Now, the policies in one end,
policies tend to work as complex
and they are located in the primary
cilia, but also in other
locations like the plasma membrane
and the palm reticulum and other
similar locations.
And these proteins together
control the homeostasis
of intracellular calcium and
intracellular calcium, regulates
the formation and destruction
of cyclic can be so
impatient with polycystic kidney
disease, there is an accumulation of
cyclic MP and activation
of protein KENENISA, which
result in activation of chloride
secretion and fluid secretion
and activation of many proliferative
pathways and
formation of growth factors and
cytokines that result in
the production of polycystic kidney
Now all of these mechanisms have
been targeted to experimental
therapies, but only to
have been so far
clinically important, which is
two pathways
that are important regulating the
cyclic production
in the cells that originate
the system, polycystic kidney
disease, which is the DNA from the
collecting dust and these individual
pressing Bittu receptor and
the somatostatin receptor.
So the drugs that inhibit the
formation of cyclic MP by block
individual person B to receptor
or by a debate in the somatostatin
receptors had been used
in clinical trials and
some in clinical practice.
Now one of the important first
findings was observe with a
three month trial that then we
thought pattern of polycystic kidney
disease is that acutely
it produces a reduction in EGFR.
And the reason for that is very
clear, which is very surprising
physiologically by reducing
the amount of sodium and the macro
then inhibits the Tupelo
glomerular feedback and induces
a by the dilatation and increases
the EGFR to a drug
that blocks the video pressingly to
reception receptor,
reverses that and result in an
acute reduction in EGFR.
This was an important information
in designing the clinical trials
of two of them because it said
that you have to compare on
treatment one treatment or of
treatment of treatment in order to
determine the fate of GFR,
but is also very important to
understand why when you start the
patient on that, then there is
actually a reduction in EGFR.
Now, there have been two main
clinical trials of tobacco for
polycystic kidney disease and
possibly for in patients that have
relatively preserved kidney function
and with EGFR of 60 and
represent patients that have a GFR
between 25 and 65
and then an open label extension
and some stock analysis.
Now, the temporary four showed a
reduction in the rate of increase in
total kidney volume by 49
temporary for underpressure
reduction in the rate of decline of
GFR. That was more clearly
shown in patients who were already
losing kidney function in
It showed a reduction in kidney
pain and into
the open label studies.
And a long term studies have shown
that the effect of tobacco is on.
The decline of EGFR
is persistent over time,
sustained and cumulative over
And based on the result of piece,
one can extrapolate that one,
start the treatment with
a patient with EGFR of 60
can prolong the life of the kidney
by approximately six to seven years.
If you start later, the benefit
is smaller.
Now, there is a problem with all,
but then one of them, of course,
is a poor area, which usually
is not the main issue because the
patients get used to that.
But the five percent of the patients
have elevations in liver enzymes,
which is concerning, and in the
temporary forward level that will
monitor only every four months.
There were two patients that had
severe liver dysfunction
meeting the highest law criteria.
Both of them fortunately recovered.
But once we get to that point,
there is a risk of hepatic failure.
And when in
the study, however, although there
were five percent of elevations of
liver enzymes, there were no severe
cases of hepatocellular injury
because these patients were
monitored during monthly
during the first 18 months of
treatment during which is
most of these allegations of liver
enzyme occur.
Now, in terms of a somatostatin
analogs, there have been three
large clinical trials focusing
on the kidney effect, Aladin, one
Dipak and two
patients with Secada,
two, three or four.
And what these studies have shown
is that there is a significant
reduction in the rate of kidney
However, no effect on the
rate of the EGFR decline
was observed, although
in one study there was a trend
to reduce TFR decline after
the first year, and in the
earlier study, there was a reduced
proportion of the patients
that had a doubling of student
creatinine or interstate's
kidney disease.
So to summarize, the current status
of the somatostatin analogs for
polycystic kidney disease is
an agreement.
There is a reduction in the rate of
growth, but there is no clear
effect on GFR decline, at
least not demonstrated until now.
There are a number of other clinical
trials are ongoing, which I won't
have time to go in detail.
But there is a multi
kinase inhibitor block,
a drug that blocks the formation
of Lucasville Sellami that
accumulates in the kidney, amazed
that they can grow the
seeds grow faster.
Bardock Salon, which activates
the transcription factor that
regulates the network of antioxidant
and anti inflammatory
And let's see Vatan, which is like
to back then but has been predicted
that may not have the liver
toxicity that Alberton has.
And then there is a phase one study,
which is kind of a noble study
because it's completely new
approach to persistent kidney
disease. Eugene Dimir,
Oregon. Nucleotide repressors,
policies and policies tend to also
increase the expiration of policies
and policies to.
So all of these studies are in
progress and whether they will be
successful or not remains to be
seen based on
what has been done to that.
That has been approved
in many counties.
For the European polycystic kidney
disease has been approved
only with four patients that have
rapidly progressive disease, which
presents the problem of how you
define rapidly progressive disease.
Genetic testing, as indicated
before, is a gift, is
in populations, is helpful,
but at an individual level
is not very helpful.
These are patients from all
of these patients, Category one
mutations, and some of them have
very mild disease and some older
patients of similar age
have very severe disease.
So genetic testing is predictive
in populations, but in individual
cases is not always perfect.
So because at the present time,
the the only biomarkers
that have been approved by
regulatory agencies are prognostic
biomarkers and estimated
GFR and total kidney volume
adjusted for age.
However, NGF
GFR is helpful in patients that
have the disease when they
start declining Bando in the
first decades of life and
the GFR can be perfectly normal.
And this is the severe
because during all this time the
kidneys continue to grow
And the CRISPR studies have shown
that the growth of the kidney
disease exponential is variable
among patients, is relatively
constant, is unique to each patient.
And in the CRISPR study, we
saw that the increase in total
kidney volume occurs continuously
and precedes the decline in
GFR and not
only precedes the decline in GFR,
predicts the decline in GFR
with a relatively
good sensitivity and specificity.
So this has been confirmed
by a larger study, the bigger
the consortium
and based on the results of this
study, the Food and Drug
Administration and the European
Medicines Agency approve
total in the volume patient
age and GFR prognostic
Now we have the e-mail image
classification, which is a practical
tool for the utilization
of of these
And this image classification
starts by identifying about
five percent of the patients with
polycystic kidney disease that
have atypical presentations
with unilateral sematic or segmental
involvement like in
these cases, or ischemic
disease due to old
age or vascular disease,
where the kidney volume cannot
be used as a biomarker.
So the kidney volume is used as a
biomarker in the typical cases of
a kidney.
And these are classified in
five different classes, depending
on the estimated rate of growth
of the kidneys and the estimated
rate of growth of the kidneys can be
obtained from a single determination
of kidney volume
at a particular age,
assuming a theoretical initial
height adjusted kidney volume of 150
miles per meter toward
a patient with a
rate of increase in the volume of
less than one point five percent
patient with Karzai, average
annual rate of the volume
increase of over six percent.
So these patients that are classi,
these are considered
rapidly progressive disease
patients with they they never reach
kidney failure patients with the
kind of agrees on.
So this classification
is predictive of
the future decline of GFR with
a reasonable
estimate, the predictive value,
and also predict the risk
of progression to enter stage
kidney failure and the age
of inter-state kidney failure.
So to measure the total volume,
however, one can use the gold
standard three or
astrology, but both of them
are quite consuming,
so they are not very practical.
To make these more practical
is we have an app
that is available and by just
Googling ADP classification
where you can enter the orthogonal
dimensions of the Kinney's
obtained from either ultrasound,
MRI or C.T.
scan, and this calculates
the kindie volume and image
Now, fortunately now,
with artificial intelligence and
machine learning has been possible
to develop
software that automatically
measures that can the volume
within a couple of minutes
and we may
have this implemented clinically.
So when we order an MRI
automatically we get the kindie
volume and this is being implemented
in other centers as well.
And finally, there
is also a way to
get the discounting
out automatically.
And this is adds
to the predictive value
of Puttock in the volume.
And this is at the present time, is
still somewhat in development,
but that's something that probably
will be available in a
few years.
Now, in addition to determine
whether the patient has rapidly
progressive disease or not,
then it's important to have
other considerations to determine
whether the patient should be
treated, the trovatore, or should be
counseled to be treated with
And there is not enough time to
go over that. But there is this
article about what should be
that was published a couple of years
ago, which I think is very helpful
in trying to guide
you about whether to
start the patient entrepreneur or
not. One of the most important
things is not to forget about the
optimization of the basic
ADP ATP management,
which is also very important
because although it does not have a
huge effect on the long term
outcome of polycystic any disease,
it has a small effect.
And if you put everything together,
it has a very significant effect.
So one of them is what is the right
target for patients with
CKD one or two in
polycystic kidney disease and
patients? The whole
idea is that the
patient that had rigorous control
with the same blood pressure,
110 over 75 or
less, had a lower rate of
increase in the volume and
the lower rate in the EGFR
after the first four months,
although there was no difference
However, in the patients that had
the most severe disease would be
much closer than the money they
had, the more increased
benefit from
the regular blood pressure control,
including a reduction in the decline
of GFR overall.
Another study from HOULD has
shown that there is an association
between the sodium intake
and reflected by the
union demonstration and
the rate of increase in total, the
volume and doubling of the same
creatine or interstitial kidney
disease in the study and
in patients study.
B They have more advanced CKD,
CKD, Stage three.
They would have significant effect
in the rate of decline of GFR.
So sodium intake
is very important and the sodium
intake that is recommended is the
two to 2.5
grams of sodium.
Also Holtby, Kerry has shown
that patients that are obese have
a faster rate of decline of kidney
function, that patients that have an
optimal BMI.
And another factor is hydration
with hydration and much sodium
intake. It's important to realize
that maybe the streams are bad
at that, but that the moderate
sodium restriction is beneficial
and a moderate hydration
to maintain a normal ideal
24 hours, less than 280
is beneficial.
And then finally, like all patients,
we could maybe control
and control acid base.
Just a few words about polycystic
liver disease and polycystic liver
disease as opposed to the polycystic
kidney disease. The genetic impact
is not important.
So patients with it, too, can have
severe polycystic liver disease, the
same that patients with one
truncates mutation.
The progression of the disease is
faster in women, premenopausal
women, and it affects
a subset of women.
Some women, you don't see that, but
a subset of women premenopausal
time have very, very
fast increasing in liver
volume, which can be accelerated by
But after menopause, many of
the volumes go down.
Which is important because when you
decide about whether how to treat
the patient, a female patient with
severe polycystic liver disease
is in the household.
You want to be sure that the rivers
are still growing before deciding
what to do in males is different?
Because we were all the males
have severe polycystic liver
disease, much less frequently
than women.
Believers continue to grow
regardless of the age
for patients that have very severe
polycystic liver disease.
Depending on how the levers look,
they can be candidates for
four forms of therapy,
research on fenestration or
if there is no segment of the liver
preserved liver transplantation
Therapy is the type of
therapy we use now.
We used to use alcohol in
the past, but we learned from
the group in Toronto that Homochitto
therapy works better and is better
tolerated so that what we are doing
and you can have very good results
with this treatment with especially
in cases that are completely
surrounded by chemo like in
this case, and
also in not only in the liver,
but also the kidney, as
shown in this case here
for patients that have massive
polycystic liver disease and that
there is no surgical intervention
possible, they can be treated
with somatostatin analogs.
This is a study by Murray Hogan
from Mayo, which in
the first year was double blind and
then was open label.
And the patients treated with
octreotide had a reduction in about
six percent in the liver volume,
whereas patients who were not
treated will try continue to have
it all in the open label
phase. The patients that were
switched from octreotide,
from placebo to octreotide,
they had the initial decline
the same then in
the first in the in the
first year.
And the patients that
had the second year of octreotide
have a little bit more decline, but
not a lot.
But however, some patients had
very significant reductions after
40 years, up to
32 percent.
So that's an effective
medication for severe
polycystic liver disease and
something that we were in these
cases when we don't have anything
else to offer that a larger
study recently published
on the group in the Netherlands
showing similar results and
confirming the efficacy
of somatostatin analogs.
And then just finally for a few
minutes, something about the
aneurysm, which is frequently
a question about what to do with
this patient, were to do a
symptomatic screening or not,
that a study that we did
with a patient that would screen
for unknown reasons. I may.
Seventy 75 of them had
any reason that the prevalence of
nine point three percent risk
factors had a family history of
several MCCAMBRIDGE hypertension
and smoking.
Most of them are very small and
most of them are in the anterior
circulation that have a better
prognosis now
in the general population and
five year risk of a rupture of
an annual rate, which is less than
seven millimeters in diameter,
is really very small.
And the question is whether a
patient with polycystic kidney
disease is also a small risk or
a much higher risk
We have followed these 75
patients, a total of 668
patients in years.
We have no ruptures.
About 10 percent of them had
preventive treatment with the
Clippinger calling and
and there were five patients to
develop new aneurysms.
Now, these are dimples of the
stability of the eye, no, for
long follow up.
And bad weather
to screen everybody with polycystic
kidney disease for aneurysms are
not object to the selected screening
is a very controversial subject.
There is a study from France where
they found a very high
risk of rupture, much higher than
we found
in here in Mayo
or in the study for University of
Colorado or study from
So we use this data.
Then it may make sense to do the
screening, but with the rates
of rupture that we have seen,
it doesn't make much sense that
all the
randomized clinical trials are in
the randomized clinical trials.
The incidence of rupture
of aneurysms is
very low.
So based on that, we do not
do a
screening of everybody.
We do selective screening in
patients that have a family history
of subarachnoid hemorrhage, personal
history of several haemorrhage
before major elective surgeries,
high risk occupations, or patients
who are very anxious and need to be
And in the patient that we found
aneurysms, even
if the aneurysms
are small and have a low risk of
rupture, which we checked at
six months and 12
months and every three years
annually for three years and every
three years after that.
And of course, it's very important
to blood pressure control and
not not to smoke and
prompt investigation of symptom
sentinel headaches.
And I think that sums it
up. Thank you for your attention.
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